I am writing this from the WTS Annual Conference in Boston, MA which I am excited to be attending along with four other members of the Sacramento Board. We are definitely learning a lot and coming back inspired to implement exciting new things! Look for the recap in the next eNews edition!
Included in this newsletter is a recap of the recent Transportation You field trip to the Rosie the Riveter Park, an update on how the UC Davis Student Chapter is doing, a recap of the Spring Professional Development Event led by Lisa Carpenter, and an introduction to our 2019 Mentorship Program mentors and mentees.
We’ve had a very busy spring and with summer almost here, we have many more fun events planned for our Chapter, including a Sacramento Downtown Bikeways Ride on May 28th! Experience first-hand our 2018 Project of Year, led by our friends at the City of Sacramento. Big shout-out to JUMP bikes for sponsoring the event! We also hope to see you at our next lunch program on June 5th. As a reminder, the SACOG building is currently undergoing renovations so our next few lunches will be held at new locations. Please double check the venue when you register!
On June 25th, we are hosting a retirement reception for Commissioner Jim Earp, from the California Transportation Commission. Registration is opening soon!
Lastly, our annual fashion show scholarship fundraiser, Cruising the Catwalk, is in full planning mode – save the date for Wednesday, September 18th! You won’t want to miss it!
Thank you for the continued support and I hope to see you at one of our upcoming events.

Warmest Regards,
Lauren Reinking, PE
WTS Sacramento Chapter President