Job Bank
If you are interested in advertising a position, please see our FAQ below for more information.

Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Community Engagement Project Manager
Open Until Filled
Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Transportation Design Practice Leader
Open Until Filled
Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Senior Transportation Planning Project Manager
Open Until Filled
Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Senior Electromobility Project Manager
Open Until Filled
Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Transportation Planning Analysis Engineering Associate
Open Until Filled

Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Early Career Transportation Planner
Open until filled.
Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator
Open until filled.

Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Transpo. Market Business Development Coordinator
Open until filled.

Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Associate/Senior Civil Engineer
Open until filled.
Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Attorney II (Transactional and Advisory Emphasis)
Open until filled.
Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Bus Operator
Open until filled.
Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Lineworker Technician
Final Filling date September 30th.
Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Resident Engineer
Open until filled.
Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Transportation Supervisor (Bus)
Final filling date September 23rd.

Applications will only be accepted electronically via
For more information and resources, please visit:
Lead Consultant Civil Engineering
Open until filled.
Who can contribute to the job bank?
How often is the job bank updated? Is there a deadline to submit job bank requests?
The job bank is updated the first business day of the month. Please send job bank requests before the 20th of the month to be included in the coming month's list. Requests received after the 20th will be included in the following month's list. (Example: listing received on January 21 would be posted in March)
How long will the post be displayed on the job bank?
We will maintain a job post for a maximum of 3 months. If the post requires a longer period of time, please notify our website co-chair. Please note that fees may apply for non-Corporate Partners.
What kinds of jobs do you post?
While we can post any listing given, we highly recommend that positions pertain to transportation in the greater Sacramento Region.
How can I request a job bank post? What information do I need to provide for the listing?
Please send all job bank requests to our website co-chair and include the following information:
Way to apply (pdf, word document, or weblink)
How long you want the posting to be displayed (1-3 month limit)
Is there a limit to how many listings are posted?
We limit each entity to fifteen (15) job postings at a given time. If you have more that you want to post, we are willing to add a link to your hiring website.
My company/agency is a Corporate Partner with WTS International, can you post my job listing for free?
WTS Sacramento Corporate Partner benefits do not extend to international or other local chapter corporate partners. Each chapter has their own corporate partner program with varying benefits and cost. Non-Sacramento Corporate Partners may post to the job bank for a fee.
My company/agency is hosting a hiring fair, can you add it to the job bank?
The job bank does not advertise or post flyers for hiring events. However, we are open to sharing this information for our Corporate Partners via social media. For all social media requests, please contact our Social Media Chair.
I still have questions...
Please contact website co-chairs Hayley Quan or Veronica Garcia-McGrew for any additional questions.