On October 29, 2021, WTS Sacramento members spent a perfect fall day on the golf course to learn the tips and tricks for a successful day on the green.
Our event started off with an introduction from Linda Reid who is the Women’s Golf Ambassador for Haggin Oaks. She shared a little bit about her career in an industry largely dominated by men, and the many opportunities she’s helped develop to try and increase representation of women within golfing. She wrapped up by encouraging us all to continue practicing the game and to check out some of the weekly play groups opportunities available at the club.
After that we broke into two small groups and got right into the clinic! Group 1 went with instructor Dale Edwards to the Academy Hole for a short game clinic. He covered chipping and putting using an actual golf hole empathizing the important aspects each, the importance of practice, and consistency of technique. Group 2 started on the driving range with Jocelyn Jones working on the basics of swing mechanics, grip, stance and ball striking. After about 45mins the groups switched. Both groups had a great time with each instructor and multiple members shared how the skills they learned at this clinic could be useful at future golf tournaments organized by their companies.
After a few hours of play, the group headed over to MacKenzie's Sports Bar & Grille for food, drinks and networking. With limited in-person events this past year it was so great to reconnect with folks and meet new chapter members.
Thank you to Haggin Oaks for teaching us the FUN-damentals!