On Wednesday, November 7th, WTS Sacramento welcomed Mike Luken, Executive Director of the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA), who presented on the I-80/SR 65 Interchange Improvement Project and other regionally significant projects.
The PCTPA identifies Placer County's transportation needs, secures and prioritizes funding, and ensures that funded projects get built. Their motto "Keep Placer Moving" symbolizes the projected growth for Placer County and the necessity to advance transportation networks to accommodate the future population demand. The PCTPA works closely with SACOG and the County's Master Plan, including working towards the established environmental goals of the County.
Current and future planned projects for the I-80/SR 65 corridor adds up to $1.4 billion and include projects such as:
Placer Parkway (new connection from SR 65 to Hwy-99); $660 million expected
SR 65 widening from Galleria Blvd to Lincoln; $115 million forecasted
I-80/SR 65 Interchange Improvement Project; $450 million total estimated
Mike stated that the original I-80/SR 65 interchange was constructed back in the mid 1980's. Some of the project's key components include:
Reconfiguring the Eureka Road and Taylor Road exits due to current conflicting weaving movements
Adding lanes from I-80 to Pleasant Grove Boulevard
Improving the Galleria Boulevard/Stanford Ranch Road interchange
Constructing a new flyovers to/from SR 65 and I-80
The project consists of four phases. Phase 1, which is currently in construction, adds improvements from I-80 to Pleasant Grove Boulevard. For the June 2018 update publication, please click here. This Phase is anticipated to be completed by Spring of 2020. Phase 1 estimated cost is $50 million which is being funded through Caltrans Share ($28.8 million), PCTPA Earmark Savings ($8.6 million), PCTPA Proposition 1B Freight Fund ($3.6 million), Highway 65 JPA Share ($6 million) and SPRTA Share ($3 million).
The remaining $400 million to complete the following 3 phases is expected to be derived partially from SB-1 funds and a future self-help sales tax. The Sacramento Region is expecting to see $2.3 billion generated over the next 10-years from SB-1; of that, Placer County is expecting $200.3 million. Mike conveyed that in order to complete the project (as well as other County projects), PCTPA is looking to set up a self-help sales tax, similar to Measure M from the 2016 ballot, after separating south Placer County into a separate sales tax district. This would require the passage of new legislature, as the current rules prohibit a sales tax measure being enacted in only a portion of a county. If Placer County receives sufficient funding, Phase 2: the EB I-80 to NB SR 65 and SB SR 65 to EB I-80 flyovers, is expected to be in construction around 2024.
In addition to improving the I-80/SR 65 corridor, PCTPA is looking into additional transit opportunities. Mike discussed that the PCTPA has long supported the desire to increase access from Placer County to the Bay Area and promote commuter rail. To read more about the Capitol Corridor Third Track, click here.
Thank you Mike for a detailed and informative presentation! Many of us are looking forward to the improved I-80/SR 65 corridor!
